How to Coupon

#1 – What’s your goal?

The main goal of couponing is to save money. You can save money by searching for coupons, hunting for deals or taking advantage of promotional sales and events. You can take advantage of these to never pay the full price of an item.

#2 – Types of Coupons

Store Coupons & Manufacturer Coupons

A store coupon is issued directly from the retailer, like Target, while a manufacturer coupon is issued by the company making the product, like P&G. 

A common way to save the most money possible is to stack coupons and use multiple discounts at one time. You can stack manufacturer coupons with store coupons during a sale and try to take advantage of any store rewards, if possible. 

#3 – Finding Coupons 

You can find a coupon by using’s database, searching on the internet or browsing through a store’s weekly ad. Retailers have sales around holidays, so make sure to keep your eyes out and remember to try and stack coupons, if possible.


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